Nordic Luxury is something to be experienced. You find it in our four seasons, that make nature come to life, in the quiet, pristine white landscapes of Lapland in the Winter, in the explosion of different green colours in the forests in the Spring, the beauty of a Summer’s day in the land of the thousand lakes or the Autumn’s changing colours, when we start longing for the true Winters of our childhood. Fresh air, clean waters, accessible nature and the feeling of space – these are all things that we take for granted in the North. Liveable cities, happy, safe - this is how others see the Nordics. For us this is a way of life, and come to think of it, it is true luxury.
Gemmi outerwear is the sartorial antidote to the harsh Winters of the North and the comfortable outer layer that protects you from the unpredictable Sumer weather. Gemmi outerwear is the epitome of quiet luxury, combining functional, timeless designs with high quality materials. Outerwear with a contemporary look and feel, made for everyday use during all four seasons.